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A Team of Cyber Security


Making your organization a cyber safe haven

A 20-year cyber security culture

A 20-year cyber security culture

Our story

Menaya delivers the very best in cybersecurity. Stemming from Israel’s longstanding tech-savvy culture, Menaya’s founding members boast more than 20 years of expertise. Menaya proudly puts on its “white hat” mission as Ethical Hackers for leading companies while also providing cyber security solutions to help major infrastructures protect against cyber crime.

Our experience in the field steered us into developing a “Virtual Ethical Hacker”, a ready-to-use solution integrating automated cyber services that detect, assess and prevent cyber attacks on businesses.

Staying on top of cyber threats

Staying on top of cyber threats

Our mission

Cyber attacks have become a critical issue for companies. Menaya provides you with the tools you need to detect and mitigate cyber risks, ensuring full protection of your company and reputation.

Menaya brings you the safety you need and the peace of mind you deserve, regardless of the size or the cybersecurity maturity level of your organization.

Cyber DNA

Cyber DNA

Our team

Avi D. Bartov

CEO and Co-founder

After serving as a Reserve Officer (Captain) and studying law, Avi began his career in the late 1980s as General Manager of the General Safety Department of ICTS France, the leader in aviation safety in Europe.

In 1995 Avi founded CBI (Business Intelligence Consulting Services), one of the first companies in France specializing in Business Intelligence and Information Protection for multinational companies and groups. Between 1999 and 2005, he was partner and business developer of the Adanet Consulting firm, a company specializing in the implementation of sophisticated and complex IT security systems for major accounts. In 2006 Avi founded GamaSec exporting the Israeli experience and expertise in cybersecurity to the European market. With the experience garnered in the industrial, high-tech and financial world, GamaSec developed its own "virtual hacker" technology in 2018 integrating cyber detection and cyber protection services into cyber insurance. In 2022, Menaya launched a combination of automated and relevant technologies to identify and detect cyber incidents before they occur.

We help businesses identify and evaluate their cyber risks by offering all-encompassing and effortless cyber security solutions

Avi Bartov

Ziv Kamir

CTO and Co-founder

Over 25 years of leadership experience in information technology and cyber-security, experienced penetration tester and cyber security researcher, skilled in cyber risk analysis, and application security, specializing in zero-day vulnerability disclosure and Dynamic Web Application Security Testing (DAST) technology. Ziv’s key responsibilities include development, ethical hacking, cyber security research, product development and innovation strategy. He designed and developed GamaScan, a Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) SaaS platform. Additionally he served as a consultant for the Office of the Prime Minister, responsible for auditing and monitoring critical infrastructures and application security. In 2022 he co-founded Menaya, a SaaS-based platform that proactively monitors and averts threats before they occur. The platform also runs a cyber-risk scoring system identifying an organization’s level of exposure to cybercrime.

With over 25 years of ethical hacking and cyber security knowledge, we provide you with the peace of mind you deserve

Ziv Kamir

Lior Rachmani

CIO and Co-founder

Lior graduated with a degree in Computer Science. He is an experienced Cybersecurity Specialist, Risk Analyst and Security Architect with 20 years’ experience in IT security.

Since 2000, he has served as an Information Security Consultant in the Finance and Defense industries.

In 2006, he co-founded GAMASEC while also serving as Cybersecurity Consultant to the Prime Minister's Office in Israel for 8 years, tasked with auditing and monitoring critical infrastructures.

In 2014, he worked for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a Consultant and Information Security Architect.

In 2022 he co-founded Menaya, a SaaS-based platform that proactively monitors and averts threats before they occur.

Your peace of mind and the security of your business are our top priority. Our goal is to offer you the best solutions to eliminate any cyber security risk you may have

Lior Rachmani

Marc Benero

COO and Co-founder

Marc Benero has a pivotal role within Menaya in areas such as Business Development, Partner Management and the execution of operations in the different countries.

Marc boasts over 27 years of experience in senior management positions across many industries and fields. His experience spans sectors such as the Automotive industry at Renault, Management Consulting at PWC, IT Consultant at IBM, Software/Consulting at Microsoft, JDA Software and at Prodware.

He has an impressive track record of developing and managing many business and operation divisions, transformation projects and has played an active role in launching several start-ups in the SaaS arena. Marc has always been at the helm of large-scale projects in challenging environments and has a knack for taking on new challenges.

His keen market savvy and his extensive operational and strategic expertise are key assets to drive and support Menaya's business development.

Our expertise: we decipher and fend off cyber threats. Our goal: we help you run your business with peace of mind

Marc Benero

Lena Conrard


Lena is tasked with running all marketing actions and managing strategic alliances. Lena has held various marketing positions within other companies in the IT sector such as Marketing Lead for Augmented and Virtual Reality offers, as well as Product Portfolio Management lead specializing in Innovative Offerings particularly in the field of cybersecurity.

Lena is very much involved in the world of start-ups and young entrepreneurs actively engaging in different business development programs. Programs such as the 365x program in Tel Aviv and Paris as well as the Escalator program that puts innovation at the heart of the entrepreneurship dynamic helping young talents climb back up the rungs of the social ladder.

Innovation is my passion and cybersecurity is an incredible playground where I get to see technological advances first hand. Finding ways to beat hackers at their own game is incredibly exciting as it drives my creativity to always be ahead of the game

Lena Conrard

Ready to strengthen your security system? 

Ready to strengthen your security system?

22 Avenue de Versailles
75016 Paris


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Cyber Detection

Cyber Security Rating






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2022 © Menaya inc.


Our solutions

Cyber Detection

Cyber Security Rating

22 Avenue de Versailles
75016 Paris​


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MSSP Partners

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2022 © Menaya inc.


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Cyber Detection

Cyber Security Rating


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MSSP Partners

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22 Avenue de Versailles
75016 Paris

2022 © Menaya inc.