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Cyber Security


for SMBs

Gearing up for cybersecurity readiness with Menaya’s solutions

Menaya’s Security Experts have come up with a unique response to cyber incidents. It pools together all the services you need to reduce your exposure to cyber risk, reinforcing your data security and preventing data breaches.

Identifying your cyber risk

Identifying your cyber risk

Vulnerability Scanner and Malware Detection

The Menaya Cyber Detection solution is a suite of automated technologies designed to identify vulnerabilities in your organization’s web applications.

Our experts have designed the Menaya Vulnerability Scanner that identifies security vulnerabilities in web applications and malware. It runs a series of simulated web attacks using our “Virtual Hacker” technology that mimics the behavior of hackers.

With our web vulnerability scanning and reporting services, you get a first-hand look at the security vulnerabilities in your web applications and can therefore improve your network security and beat the hackers at their own game.

Cyber Detection Solution
Cyber Rating Solution

Assessing your risks

Assessing your risks

Identifying and Assessing your Cyber Rating

By leveraging public information from the domain name and the company name, this service allows you to create your cyber threat map and anticipate their impact.

Our system security assessment platform, based on 20 cyber-threat monitoring components, allows you to assess your organization’s cyber risk profile very quickly, while factoring in the different technical, financial and compliance considerations.

As experts in advising on Cybersecurity, we provide detailed reports that help decision makers and technical departments of a company  better understand where they stand in terms of cybersecurity readiness allowing them to make informed decisions on how to remediate cyber threats effectively.

Cyber Rating Solution

Menaya provides you with a comprehensive cybersecurity solution that guarantees you peace of mind allowing you to focus on your core business.

Menaya provides you with a comprehensive cybersecurity solution that guarantees you peace of mind allowing you to focus on your core business.

We use the following services to identify external cyber threats:


Assessment of Internet/Darknet attacks


Threat prioritization for an overview of your cyber risks


Recommendations of our experts who guide you through necessary cyber risk remediation


Detection of web vulnerabilities and malware


Informed decisions based on more than 20 components and over 400 monitoring schemes


Surveillance of your cyber environment in a continuous and non-intrusive manner


Assessment of Internet/Darknet attacks


Detection of web vulnerabilities and malware


Threat prioritization for an overview of your cyber risks


Informed decisions based on more than 20 components and over 400 monitoring schemes


Recommendations of our experts who guide you through necessary cyber risk remediation


Surveillance of your cyber environment in a continuous and non-intrusive manner


Assessment of Internet/Darknet attacks


Detection of web vulnerabilities and malware


Threat prioritization for an overview of your cyber risks


Informed decisions based on more than 20 components and over 400 monitoring schemes


Recommendations of our experts who guide you through necessary cyber risk remediation


Surveillance of your cyber environment in a continuous and non-intrusive manner


Cyber Security Statistics

  • The importance of cybersecurity can no longer be questioned today. Large or small, whatever your business, cybersecurity is critical for all organizations.


  • Indeed, hackers are getting faster, more hands-on and are getting better at breaching data, considerably increasing the number of cyberattacks, year after year.
  • According to recent reports to recent reports, 75% of cyber incidents were initiated by external threat actors, which means your organization is at risk. Moreover, web applications are the most vulnerable to data leakages and security breaches. .
Top cyber attacks
Top cyber attacks

Our Cyber Intelligence and Cyber Rating services require no installation, no network configuration, no software development and no IT security expertise on behalf of your company.

Menaya’s solution offering includes the integration of several automated and cyber-specific tools that identify and detect cyber attacks before they happen.

Who is behind the attacks?

Qui est à l’origine des cyberattaques
  • And, finally, 55% of all cyber attacks target companies via their websites..

Our Cyber Intelligence and Cyber Rating services require no installation, no network configuration, no software development and no IT security expertise on behalf of your company.

Menaya’s solution offering includes the integration of several automated and cyber-specific tools that identify and detect cyber attacks before they happen.

Thanks to Menaya’s solution offering, SMBs can now enjoy the same cybersecurity protection boosting their cyber resiliency just like the larger corporations and stay safe from cybersecurity threats.

It is believed that around 80% of cyber attacks could be prevented or avoided by adhering to some security measures.  

Frequently asked questions

  • How to check your website for Malware ?

    Malicious code is usually found in the source code, so it can only be detected through a careful analysis of the site. Menaya's vulnerability scanner performs a test of your code to identify known and unknown vulnerabilities and configuration issues.
  • What happens when the scanner detects vulnerabilities?

    Our email notification system immediately notifies you of any signs of malicious activity or other suspicious activity identified by our scanner so that you can take the necessary steps to remedy the situation. If the vulnerability scanner picks up any signs of malware, you get notified immediately. We also send you an assessment report including the infected pages and the source of the problem. All you need to do is to follow and apply the recommended remediation solutions to neutralize the threat.
  • How does Menaya’s Security Rating System work?

    Our experts use a combination of data retrieved from public and private sources and apply algorithms to determine your company's security effectiveness into a quantifiable score. We also ensure the transparency of our rating methodology.
  • Why sign up with Menaya to secure my Website?

    Menaya is the answer to your cybersecurity concerns: focus on your business and let us worry about protecting your website and boosting your cyber resilience.


Our solutions

Cyber Detection

Cyber Security Rating






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2025 © Menaya inc.


Our solutions

Cyber Detection

Cyber Security Rating

22 Avenue de Versailles
75016 Paris​


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2022 © Menaya inc.


Our solutions

Cyber Detection

Cyber Security Rating


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MSSP Partners

Insurance partners

22 Avenue de Versailles
75016 Paris

2022 © Menaya inc.