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5 cybersecurity myths debunked

Despite the steady increase in cybercrime, there is a tendency to clearly underestimate cybersecurity; companies and individuals alike do not know how to identify, respond to or protect themselves from potential attacks. What’s even worse is that preconceived ideas about cybersecurity are still running wild in the business world.

Cybersecurity definitely needs to be taken seriously. All it takes to clearly appreciate the gravity of the situation is to look at the tsunami of ransomware attacks around the world to realize that cybercriminals will stop at nothing to attack and defraud citizens and businesses.

So, in order to raise and spread awareness of the threat of cybercrime, we have compiled a list of 5 preconceived ideas that need to be debunked once and for all.

1. Hackers aren’t interested in a business like mine

The first big mistake is believing it will never happen to you. This misconception is even more true for SMEs that think cybercriminals are only interested in large corporations that generate big business and profit. However, VSEs/SMEs are a prime target for hackers: 43% actually target small businesses.

You may also think that cyber criminals couldn’t care less about your data? Well then you’re forgetting a very important detail: your data is essential to your company’s activity. That’s reason enough to put a target on your back.

All of this translates into very poor or no protection of your IT system and is tantamount to handing over your system and business to hackers on a silver platter.

2. If we get attacked, we’ll be notified quickly and respond quickly

Sure, there is a lot of malware that can quickly be detected. But there are also other types of malicious software that are designed to sneak into your system and avoid detection. So hackers are in, behind the scenes, busy at work stealing your data while your computers and servers continue to function normally.

Even if you do suspect that a cyberattack is underway, there is usually little you can do on the spot to fight back and fix the damage. Bear in mind that there are many different types of cyberattacks, and that some attacks have become so sophisticated that many companies never recover.

So, what can you do to protect yourself? Cybercrime prevention – no doubt about it! With a cybersecurity solution like Menaya, that runs ongoing scans that assess your cybersecurity risk level, analyzes and identifies your network vulnerabilities to fend off cyber threats.

3. Cybersecurity is the CIO’s problem

Obviously, cybersecurity is part of the CIO’s scope of responsibilities. But if they’re the only ones tasked with fighting back, then they are bound to lose the fight. Cybersecurity is a battle that has to be fought by everyone. Keeping a company’s data safe is everybody’s business.

Since 85% of cyberattacks involve human interaction, it’s safe to say that humans are the weakest link in cybersecurity. This is why it is vital for a company to train its employees on cybersecurity best practices and learn how to identify and respond effectively to cyber threats.

4. Cybersecurity is expensive

Ok, we’re not saying that protecting your data will not cost you. But if you are not willing to invest in your cybersecurity, chances are it’ll cost you even more later on. And I am not referring to what you’ll have to pay experts to fix the problem and get your system up and running again, I am talking about the loss of very sensitive data and the damage to the company’s reputation.

Furthermore, even if cybersecurity is costly it can also help you make money – more and more companies are concerned about data protection and will only do business with those companies that guarantee they are on top of their cybersecurity.

5. Paying the ransom will get your data back

Although there are several types of hackers, most of them are inherently bad and hell-bent on hitting the “jackpot.” This means that they probably won’t settle for the ransom money and will probably be back for more or break into your system again to get to your data. In other words, there is no guarantee that you’ll get all of your data back…

This is why you should never pay the ransom even if paying seems to be the easiest and fastest way out. Paying would only lead to more ransom demands and to funding criminal activities.


Cybersecurity myths are a real threat in the present digital realm as they tend to allow organizations to deny the existence of real threats by letting their guard down and therefore making it easy for cybercriminals to wreak havoc.

Knowing that “cybersecurity myths are merely illusions” is the big first step towards reinforcing the cybersecurity of your IT systems. The big second step would be to develop an effective cybersecurity strategy and get experts to help you reinforce security and keep your business safe.



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